Divine Office Booklets




Office of the Dead

Little Office of Advent

Little Office of Christmas

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Compline Booklet CoverThe Office of the Dead
Prepared and Published by Order of the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore

Commemorate your departed loved ones with the Church's traditional Office of the Dead. These prayers have been recited for centuries and were a staple component of medieval devotions and Books of Hours. This version of the office is in traditional English and includes both Matins and Lauds; it was specifically recommended for the use of the laity by the American bishops in the 1880s.

November 2017  ~  32 pages  ~  booklet  ~  5.5" x 4"  ~  $6.00

* The Office of Matins for the Dead, including 10 Psalms and 9 lessons from the Book of Job
* The Office of Lauds for the Dead, including 7 Psalms, the Song of Hezechiah and the Song of Zachary (Benedictus)
* Traditional "Prayer book" English translation, with occasional Latin text for select portions (Benedicite).

Office of the Dead Matins 1Office of the Dead Matins 2
Office of the Dead Lauds 1Office of the Dead Lauds 2